興起,賞異國風情 ; 緣至,遇四海知音
Chinese Culture Connection
Where Cross-Cultural Understanding Begins.
Our History
The Chinese Culture Connection (CCC) was founded in 1985 in Reading, Massachusetts, by Catherine Hsu, who created an “Intro to Chinese Culture” curriculum for her son’s classroom. The word spread and other teachers requested it. She went on to create Chinese culture curricula for schools, libraries, museums, and community centers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
In 1999, the CCC relocated to Malden at the invitation of Mayor Richard C. Howard, to support the growing Asian immigrant population there and to build connections between Asians and the diverse community of Malden and surrounding cities.
When Executive Director Mei Hung joined the organization in 1997, she expanded the CCC’s programming to meet the growing need for intercultural awareness and respect. Today, our programming enables immigrants to find pride in their heritage and reach their full potential as diverse members of American society with much to contribute.
Photo Gallery

Our Mission
Through diverse educational programs, cross-cultural dialogues, and special events, the CCC empowers Chinese immigrants and Chinese descendants of the Greater Boston Area to appreciate and retain their heritage, develop bicultural fluency, and enrich others with a deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture.
What We Do
We offer a wide range of programs for youth and adults to expand awareness of Chinese culture and to help immigrants navigate American culture. We engage with libraries, community centers, colleges, universities, schools, affordable housing facilities, and businesses, as well as the community at large.