20th Annual Fundraising Gala & Awards Ceremony
Date & Time 时间
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 5:00 - 9:00 PM
Location 地点
Ming's Seafood Restaurant 金源大酒楼
(19 Pleasant St, Malden, MA 02148)
Parking 停车
CBD Garage (170 Centre St, Malden, MA 02148)
Dress Code 着装
Cocktail Attire 鸡尾酒会礼服
Join Us to Make a Difference 加入我们 让更多改变发生
Join us in making a difference in the lives of our Asian community members in Malden and beyond. Despite strides forward, there is still a pressing need for essential services within the Asian community that we have yet to fulfill; there are many aspects of Chinese language and culture we are eager to share with you all, which remain untapped.
Your participation in our Gala and support will directly fuel our future initiatives aimed at addressing these gaps and upholding our commitment to serving a broader society. All proceeds will be directed towards strengthening and expanding our services for the Asian community in Malden and beyond. We look forward to your presence at the event.
加入我们,共同改变摩顿市及周边地区亚裔社区的生活面貌。虽然我们已取得一定成就,但仍有众多社区成员亟待帮助;我们也期待与您分享更多中国语言与文化的精髓。您的参与和支持将助力我们填补服务空白,践行我们服务更广泛社区的承诺。 本次晚会的全部收益将用于拓展和深化我们为亚裔社区提供的多元化服务。诚邀您莅临我们的筹款与颁奖晚会,让我们携手共创美好未来!
2025 Honorees 年度荣誉获 奖人

Diversity and Inclusion Award 多元与包容性奖
Danielle Kim
Danielle Kim leads The Boston Foundation’s Asian Community Fund, mobilizing $6M+ for 80+ AAPI organizations. Recognized as a 2024 "Most Influential Bostonian," she advocates for equity through state commissions.
Danielle Kim 主管波士顿基金会亚裔社区基金(ACF),为80余家亚裔机构筹集超600万美元。作为2024年“最具影响力波士顿人“之一,她通过参与州级委员会推动社会公平。

Edward F. O'Connell Inspirational Service Award
Jordan Shapiro
Jordan Shapiro, Senior Partner at Shapiro Legal Group, co-authored the seminal Massachusetts Collection Law and held leadership roles in the Middlesex County Bar Association and Malden Chamber of Commerce. His expertise in municipal governance and civic engagement continues to drive impactful community initiatives.
Jordan Shapiro现任Shapiro Legal Group高级合伙人,曾合著权威法律专著《马萨诸塞州催收法》,并担任米德尔塞克斯县律师协会及马尔登商会主席。其市政治理经验与公益领导力持续推动具有深远影响的社区项目。
Excellence in Community Service Award 社区服务卓越奖
The Malden Warming Center
The Malden Warming Center (MWC) provides winter shelter, meals, and essential services to unhoused adults, connecting them to housing and healthcare with dignity-focused support.
Outstanding Arts and Culture Award 艺术文化杰出贡献奖
The Boston Beijing Opera Association
Founded in 2007, BBOA promotes Beijing Opera in North America through performances and cultural exchange. It engages diverse audiences across Boston, showcasing traditional costumes, music, and artistry.

What To Expect 晚会亮点

Culinary Delights 美味佳肴
Indulge in a feast for the senses with traditional Chinese banquet 品味正宗中式宴席
Silent & Live Auctions 拍卖会
Participate in our silent and live auctions featuring a curated selection of items and experiences, all in support of our mission to promote cross-cultural understanding and preserve our community's Chinese cultural heritage 参与拍卖会,竞拍我们精心为您挑选的产品与体验,支持我们为支持跨文化理解与保护中国文化遗产做出的努力
Cultural Experience 文化体验
Immerse yourself in the living legacy of Chinese arts and traditions through captivating activities and performances 精彩表演带您领略中华艺术与文化的生命力