2023 Supporters
Through diverse educational programs, cross-cultural dialogues, and special events, the Chinese Culture Connection empowers Chinese immigrants and Chinese descendants of the Greater Boston Area to appreciate and retain their heritage, develop bicultural fluency, and enrich others with a deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture. We have been able to fulfill our mission thanks to the generous contributions of individuals, foundations, corporations, and other partners who support our cause. We are proud to recognize the following supporters who have made a significant contribution to our work over the past year.
Corporate Sponsors

O'Connell Design And Build

Individual Sponsors
Marina E. Grossi
Karen Colón Hayes, Malden City Councilor-at-Large
Yihua Jiang
Dr. Feng Li
Hong Liu
John Langermann
Paul W. Lee, Esq.
Carey McDonald, Malden City Councilor-at-Large
Edward O’Connell
Linda J. Thorsen
Steve Ultrino, Massachusetts State Representative