The CCC’s “Little Dragon” helps children experience and explore Chinese culture, while developing new skills. It is structured and interactive, with hands-on activities for students with all learning abilities and styles so that they can build confidence and discover their potential during off-school hours.
Class Schedule 课程表
Class Date 日期: 1/4/2021-3/26/2021 3-5 PM
Class Platform 网课平台: Microsoft Teams

Class Description 课程介绍
Chinese 中文
Yadi Liu
Monday & Wednesday周一&周三
Entry Level (3pm-4pm):
• Inspiring children's interest in learning Chinese, and at the same time, students should be able to know more than 50 new words and more than 20 phrases in the first stage of learning (the first semester). In addition, students will use simple and common Chinese sentence patterns to express and communicate, and will sing some Chinese rhymes.
• 课程启发培养孩子的中文学习兴趣的同时,第一阶段的学习(第一学期)学生可以掌握 50 个以上生字,20 个以上词组;除此之外,学生会用简单常用的中文句型表达和交流, 并会唱一些中文儿歌。
Intermediate (4pm-5pm):
• The course will improve students' Chinese learning ability from listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students should be able to read and recognize more than 80 new words and should be able to write more than 40 new characters in the first stage of learning (the first semester). In addition, students should be to read short paragraphs, understand and do short conversations.
• 课程将从听、说、读、写全方面提升学生的中文学习能力。第一阶段的学习(第一学期) 学生可以认读 80 个以上生字,会写 40 个以上生字;除此之外,学生可以听读学过的对 话,并可以认读长句和小段落。
Creative Art 绘画
Mandy Lin
Tuesday 周二 3pm-4pm
• Students will learn to draw lines, shapes, textures, and utilize various mediums, such as: pencil, crayon, markers, watercolors, and oil sticks to create images of people, plants, animals and objects. After progressing through these stages and styles, students will be able to create anything that they wish. They will also learn to critique their own artwork. Teaching methods include lead drawing, observational drawing, and story-based free drawing. The class will help refine fine motor skills, cultivate the imagination, and promote concentration.
• 学生通过点线面的结合以及运用不同的画画工具和材料来学习人物,动物,植物及建筑的绘画。孩子学习绘画可以锻炼大脑,提高创想能力,并通过画作表达自己的内心世界。老师也会带领学生建立自己的艺术风格并巩固各种绘画技巧,从而提高孩子对生活的感知力和自我表达的能力。
Storyland 小故事大知识
Casey Chen
Thursday 周四 3pm-4pm
• We will be introducing short stories using both Chinese and English, to explore the stories and different characters. For each story, we may play fun games as well as make some crafts related to the topic. We will also involve academic knowledge in English ability, science, history, and many other subjects depends on the story of our thorough selection. This class will help children to build academic knowledge for their future use and learning.
• 我们将会根据学生需求使用中英文讲解小故事,一起探索故事中的人物。每个故事我们都会带领小朋友们一起玩与故事相关的游戏和制作手工。每个我们精心挑选的故事都会给小朋友们介绍以及学习额外的相关知识,例如英语能力,科学,历史等等科目。这节课会帮助小朋友们提前构筑未来将会用到的或者学习的学术知识。
Chinese Characters 象形文字
Casey Chen
Thursday 周四 3pm-4pm
• This entry-level class is designed for students who would like to cultivate an interest in learning Chinese. No need for a previous learning experience. We will use pictures, stories, and other hands-on cultural activities as a medium to open the world of Chinese learning to students. They will learn the origins of Chinese characters and how it evolved to the current form. After this class, students will know the basic rules of how Chinese characters were created, how to write basic strokes, and how to describe the most commonly seen items in everyday life.
• 本课程会带领小朋友们发掘学习中文的乐趣。不需要任何中文基础。我们将会使用图片、故事、以及许多其他活动以华夏文化为途径来介绍中国文化。小朋友们将会学习文字的演变与由来,在上完本节课程以后,小朋友们将学会汉字的基础规则、笔画、以及如何描绘常用字。
Coding in Scratch 少儿编程
Eric Hansen
Entry Level 入门班 3pm-4pm:
· Students will code their own maze game using MIT's coding engine for kids, Scratch. Starting by drawing three mazes of varying difficulty, connect the mazes as levels, add a character that is coded to move when pressing the arrow keys, and stops when hitting a maze wall. Students can also add enemies that stop the player for an extra challenge.
· 小朋友们将会运用MIT编程引擎设计自己的迷宫游戏。他们将会从绘制三种不同难度的迷宫开始,设计一个人物角色并且加入迷宫中。小朋友们还可以新添加迷宫里的敌人作为障碍物。
Advanced Level 进阶班 4:30pm-5:30pm:
· Students will code their own quiz game using MIT's coding engine for kids, Scratch. Starting by creating 10 quiz question ideas about anything they want, creating stylized buttons that glow when scrolled over, and writing code that takes the player to the next question when clicking the correct answer or taken to a game over screen when clicking the wrong answer. This class teaches students the fundamentals of game UI design at an industry level.
· 小朋友们将会运用MIT编程引擎设计自己的迷宫游戏。他们将会从设计十个小问题,创建独特的小按钮,写编程带领做对测试题的人去下一题又或者是带做错题的人去game over的页面。本课程会教小朋友关于用户设计体验的基础。
Weiqi Go 围棋
Go is an ancient board game whose strategies demands both critical and creative thinking from its players. Playing Weiqi (Go) helps one to develop concentration, alertness, and judgment, and it fosters a sense of balance. Beginners class learns basic rules, and the advanced class focuses more on methods and strategies.
围棋(Go)是一种古老的战略棋盘游戏,需要玩家进行批判性和创造性思维。玩围棋(Go)有助于培养注意力,敏感度和判断力,并能权衡整体局势。 入门班主要学习基本规则,高级班则着重技巧和策略。
Program Flyer
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Tuition Fee 学费
1) $15.00/class; 11 weeks total for all classes ($165), except Coding which has 9 classes in total ($135).
$15/课; 所有课程一共十一周(共$165),除少儿编程(九周),共$135。
2) Registration fees: New student - $20.00/person; Returning student - $10.00/person* 报名费:新生 - $20.00/人旧生- $10.00/人